Norwegian Funding Announcement
Press release - project start
“Development of non-woven materials by introducing green solutions to use recyclable materials in the production process” ”
Project Funded with the support of grants awarded by Financial Mechanism EEA 2014 – 2021 withing program „SMEs Growth Programme – Green Industry Innovation, call for proposals 2020)”,
Area of support „Green Industry Innovation”
Beneficiary: MINET SA, Vâlcea County
- Minet SA, the most important manufacturer of nonwoven materials from Romania, with a history of over 40 years, started beginning with July 2021, the implementation of project “Development of new nonwovens through introduction of green solutions using recycled waste in the production process”, project co-funded from EEA grant and Norway Mechanism for financing within program “SMEs Growth Programme”, area of support „Green Industry Innovation”, call for proposals 2020, according to Financing contract 2020 / 541294, concluded with Innovation Norway;
- The project general objective is to add new products that shall be manufactured from recycled non-woven material, in the portfolio of Minet SA. Thus, Minet SA shall become the first Romanian manufacturer that will produce non-woven material type felt, respectively felt foam from recycled materials;
- By means of this project, Minet shall purchase the newest production line, which shall transform recycled raw materials into high-tech products;
- The investment to be made represents an important step both for the company and for the entire industry, and thus, a significant amount of waste shall be used by transforming it into non-woven technical textiles, using innovative technologies;
- With the support of Norwegian and EEA grants, MINET shall introduce new products to its portfolio, becoming the first Romanian manufactured of recycled polyurethane;
- Contribution of Norway and EEA grants. Total project value is 2.822.000,00 EUR, out of which non-reimbursable financial assistance shall not exceed the amount of 1.411.000,00 EUR, intensity of co-financing being 50% in case of investments and 0% in case of consulting services and dedicated studies;
- The project is implemented in Vâlcea County, at the company headquarters in Str. Depozitelor no. 12;
- Project implementation period: the project shall be finalized by the date of 30.11.2022;
- Expected outcomes of the project:
- 10% estimated total turnover growth by the end of the implementation period;
- 80% of the total materials processed by this production line shall be waste;
- 780,8 tonnes CO2 – estimated total decrease of CO2 Emissions until 2026.
By the new investment, MINET shall not only bring an important positive impact on the environment, but shall also become an innovator in the industry by:
- procurement of modern and efficient technology;
- increasing the collection of waste from operational processes.
Non-woven materials are essential in various industries: automotive, furniture (mattress and sofa manufacturing), road and railway infrastructure construction.
For detailed information related to the funding program visit